
                        Current EOC Activation Level:  Normal Operations (Level 3)

Response actions are carried out immediately before, during, and immediately after a hazard impact, which are aimed at saving lives, reducing economic losses, and alleviating suffering. The National Response Framework sets strategies for how a community responds to disasters.  The Haines Borough has adopted the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for responding to emergencies.

The Emergency Operations Center is the central point for coordinating a response to any major disaster in the Haines Borough.

The Haines EOC is the location where  the Incident Management Team (IMT) members coordinate the response to disasters.  Located in the Assembly chambers of the Haines Public Safety Building, the EOC provides workspace for Haines' emergency response partners from local government, non-profits, and other entities.

EOC Levels of Activation

  Level 3            

Normal activities with incidents being handled with existing resources, policies and procedures.

Level 2        

A situation or threat has developed that requires increased pubic information and has the potential for agencies to take coordinated action.  The EOC may be partially activated during regular business hours or additional hours as needed.  Conditions are being monitored with information sharing networks activated.  This level of activation may result from an approaching significant weather event, the potential for a public health situation, or a plausible threat of a terrorist event with an unspecified time or national location.
Level 1 ​A situation or threat has developed requiring a full activation of the EOC on a 24-hour rotational basis with all trained municipal staff participating or on call.  A local disaster declaration is being considered or has been issued.  A major event with significant property damage and threat to human life could trigger a level one activation.