Agenda Request for Assembly Action

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Agenda Request for Assembly Action

How to Contact a Member of the Assembly

Assembly Members may be contacted by telephone or email or by sending a fax, email or letter in care of the Borough Clerk at (fax)766-2716; afullerton [at] or P.O. Box 1209, Haines, AK  99827.  Letters or emails to the Assembly should include a date, your first and last name, your mailing address, phone number, email address (if any), and sufficient details pertaining to your issue.

Public Attendance at Assembly Meetings

All regular and special meetings of the assembly are open to the public.  Regular meetings are generally held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.  The agenda for each meeting is posted by the prior Thursday at the post office, public library, Borough Administration building, and the website.

No person may be excluded from the meeting, except for improper conduct.  The door to the assembly chambers is open approximately 15 minutes prior to any scheduled assembly meeting.  Some people choose to be present during the entire meeting, and some choose to be present only when items of interest are being discussed.  You are free to come and go in a reasonably non-disruptive manner.

In support of and respect for an open, fair and informed decision-making process, the Borough Assembly and the Administration recognize that:

  • civil, respectful and courteous discourse and behavior are conducive to the democratic and harmonious airing of concerns and decision making; and
  • un-civil discourse and/or discourteous and inappropriate behavior have a negative impact on the character and productivity of the decision-making process.

How to Make a Request for Assembly Action at a Meeting

Your request must be made in writing and submitted to the borough clerk and should contain your contact information and as much information as possible about your request.  A form for that purpose is attached to this webpage for your convenience but is not required, although it is strongly encouraged.

The deadline for agenda topics is as noted on the most current assembly-adopted Agenda Preparation Calendar, available from the Clerk’s Office or at Borough Assembly. Your request will either be placed on the next assembly agenda under "Other New Business: Requests" or will be referred by the Mayor to a committee for further development. Please be aware that we may ask for additional supportive and/or background information in order to assist the assembly in making an informed decision. The clerk will provide copies for them. Whenever possible, issues will be reviewed by the manager. Should the issue be resolved ahead of an assembly meeting, the person will have the option to decline to have it presented to the assembly.

Making an Appearance before the Assembly

Scheduled Appearances:
In the event of a scheduled presentation on behalf of an organization or group of persons, the organization shall designate one spokesperson to make the presentation on behalf of that particular group.  A scheduled appearance will appear on the printed agenda.  Presentations are generally limited to 5 minutes. Requests for more time should be addressed to the mayor who, as presiding officer, has the prerogative. The clerk will notify the scheduled presenter of the approved time allotment, and the presenter should understand that once the presentation is completed, they should be seated.  They will not be recognized again unless requested by the mayor or an assembly member.

Unscheduled Appearances:
Members of the public are given an opportunity to briefly address the borough assembly at given times during the meeting without prior approval.  The policy is to limit an unscheduled presentation to three (3) minutes, but the mayor may approve a request for a reasonable time extension.

Decisions of the Borough Assembly

Prior to the assembly meeting, members of the assembly will review a request, the supporting documentation, and any staff information or comments related to it.  During the assembly meeting, the assembly will decide whether to take action immediately or, as is more typically the case, schedule it as an action item for the very next assembly meeting. This is especially true if a resolution or ordinance is necessary. Also, there are occasions when additional information is required before the assembly can make an informed decision.  Following the meeting, the borough clerk may advise the requestor by way of letter, email, or phone call of the assembly’s decision.

Audio Visual Equipment

Audio Visual equipment may be available for use at the assembly meetings.  Please notify the Clerk's Office as soon as possible in order that preparations may be made for use of the equipment.

Office of the Clerk

The borough clerk’s office is your direct link to the assembly, and the borough clerk and other staff will endeavor to provide as much assistance as possible to ensure that your issue is brought before the assembly and borough administration in a timely and professional manner.  Should you require further information or assistance, please contact Alekka Fullerton, Borough Clerk, at 766-6402 or afullerton [at]