Where to vote on Election Day

Open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. on the same day.  These are area-wide Borough elections and include the following precincts:

Haines #1 – Encompassing the former corporate limits of the city of Haines and the Chilkat Peninsula, encompassing the area of the Haines Borough to the South and East of the former corporate limits of the city of Haines. The polling place for Haines No. 1 is the ANB/ANS Hall at the corner of 1st Avenue and Willard Street.

Haines #2 (Highway) – This precinct encompasses the area of the Haines Borough to the north and west of the Haines #1 Precinct.  The polling place for the Haines Highway precinct is the Klehini Valley Fire Department on Mosquito Lake Road.

Exact boundary descriptions of these precincts are described in 6 AAC 333.545 and 6 AAC 333.550 or are available from the jcozzi [at] haines.ak.us (Borough Clerk's office).